Any questions?
We’re here to help.

How do I cancel my activity or package if I need to and can I get refunded?
If you change your mind and would like to cancel, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try our best to reschedule or accommodate you. If a reschedule is not possible, the following cancellation policy applies:

- 100% refund when cancelled within 14 days in advance.
- 50% refund when cancelled within 7 days in advance.
- Non refundable when cancelled within 24 hours or less.

What happens if the weather is bad?
The weather in the Caribbean changes constantly, so even if the weather forecast says it will be cloudy, windy or rainy, stay calm! Often times, the weather reported changes very quickly to still make an activity viable. We will update you about the status of your tour as soon as we receive weather reports. If an activity is cancelled due to looming weather conditions, we will try our best to reschedule or fully refund you. Our first priority is to ensure everyone’s safety.

Is transportation included?
No, but we can arrange for a taxi to pick you up and bring you back to your choice of destination. To ensure this service, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance. The price will depend on your pick up location. If you decide to take care of your own transportation, please make sure you arrive at least 15 minutes before your activity starts. We can also pick you up with our boat from certain places, which include Sunset or any pier located in Centro. Pier pick ups require dock fees, which are about $1.00-5.00.

How do I find the boat?
We will send you detailed information on where to meet and all relevant information as soon as your booking is confirmed, as well as instructions to the boat.

What should I bring?
We try our best to provide everything you’ll need to have a comfortable experience. If you need any gear rental, we can make arrangements for you. It’s encouraged to bring your own:
- swimsuit, towels, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen (we highly recommend reef safe sunscreen), camera, long sleeve shirts for sun protection, or any beach toys or flotation devices that you enjoy for snorkel trips.

What about music?
We have our own sound systems and speakers for your convenience. We can provide our own music but you’re welcome to bring your own selections!

Should I tip?
Tipping is not mandatory but we always welcome tips for our services. This is entirely up to you. Commonly, it’s suggested to tip about 15% of the cost of the activity. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. We 100% all of our tips with every crew member and teammate.

Are infants allowed?
Diving activities are for adults only, however the minimum age for kids to get certified is 12 years old. Our snorkel trips are welcome for the entire family. We have security measures to ensure everyone’s safety including life vests and oxygen kits. Each individual or group is responsible for their own party.

Should I bring my own snorkel gear?
We have snorkel gear provided on the boat; however, you’re more than welcome to bring your own. Dive gear is not included. We can arrange for rentals if you need.

Will there be life vests for everybody?
Yes, we have life vests for all passengers.

What forms of payment do we accept?
We accept all forms of credit card payments, debit card payments, Zelle, Venmo, PayPayl (excludes a 6% transaction fee), and Wise, as well as cash should you choose to pay when you arrive in person. We accept both USD and pesos.

How far in advance should I make reservations?
We encourage you to book as far in advance as possible. However, remember to book more than two weeks in advance to receive a full refund should you cancel.

Upon arrival, how do I prove I made the reservation?
We will have waiver and liability forms signed upon confirmation of booking as well as your contact information and received invoice.

What if I get seasick?
We understand some people are prone to motion sickness. We always try to choose routes with the least amount of motion to get a smooth ride and it’s always up to the clients if you wish to return to sheltered areas in the event someone in the group gets sick. We always advise all clients, especially those prone to motion sickness, to take mediation like Dramamine beforehand. We have Dramamine onboard and offer this to all clients who don’t want to take any chances. Dramamine tends to work the best and has no side effects. We ensure to do what’s best for everyone on board.

If you have any other questions, contact us!

“I wanted freedom, open air, adventure. I found it on the sea. — Alain Gerbault